I hope to rotate a few of these posts to show a little insight into my day to day life. Here is a snapshot of a weekday "day in the life" - not super crazy since we have a 9 month old and both work full time.
Typically, Nick and I wake up at 4:30am to try to workout before our little one is awake and our workdays begin. Right now it is very cold in Atlanta, typically around or below 20 degrees in the morning, so Nick used our home gym and I planned to run on a treadmill at my gym.
While I am pumping, I wake up hungry and typically eat breakfast as soon as I wake up before I workout. Not sure if I will keep that up once I finish, but for now it works!

This is what my breakfast looks like everyday - a combination of yogurt or cottage cheese, protein powder, collagen powder, scoop of salty peanut butter, banana and some toppings. It has about 40 grams of protein and keeps me full until lunch!
I typically do a 50% blend of decaf coffee since I drink a massive 16 oz mug every morning.

I finished 4 miles on the treadmill in about 38 minutes and headed back home to get ready for work. Typically I will shower at the gym and go straight to work, but today our daycare was closed due to possible inclement weather, so I was heading home to help out with our little one.
My husband took off of work to be home with our daughter today. I helped him out to prep her breakfast - baby oatmeal, some crushed blueberries and half a banana - and packed my own lunch to be out the door around 8:30am. My commute takes anywhere from 20-30 minutes, today was light because schools were closed!

I had a few meetings and tasks to work on, but for the most part the day wasn't too crazy. I was able to break for lunch around noon. I ate a sandwich, baby carrots, and an orange with a Poppi.

I headed home around 2:30pm because of potential snow where I live (and had a protein bar during my drive). Once I got home, I gave Nick a quick break before I joined a virtual meeting at 3pm. We were watching the news to keep an eye on the weather and closures. During that time, we alternated playtime with our daughter - everything excites her right now and she is so close to crawling, she has mastered the back scoot.
For our daughter's feeding schedule, we do 3 meals a day and 4 bottles. She eats dinner around 5pm and tonight she had plain (overcooked) pasta with a little olive oil and peas, some finely shredded pork (what we had for dinner), and yogurt. I blend 2-3 soaked dates with full fat yogurt for her to help prevent constipation - so far a serving a day helps her!

We do bath and bedtime routine beginning at 6:30pm - my husband and I tag team it every night we are both home. I will heat up her night bottle and run her bath water, and my husband wraps up play time to bring her to me. While I give her a bath, he grabs everything to prepare to read and rock her to sleep. When he is doing that, I finish up dinner prep for us. Tonight, we had leftovers from the night before - cuban pork bowls! We slow cook a pork shoulder and follow this recipe, then add black beans, lettuce, tomatoes, brown rice, and plantains. Tonight, I cooked plantains with a little unsalted butter, brown sugar, and splash of rum to deglaze the pan. They turned out great!

We finished dinner around 7:30pm and cleaned up around the house from having her home all day - I'll show how we keep our stores organized in our main living areas in the future! Typically after Dinner we will watch an episode of a show we are enjoying - right now we are enjoying The Bear and Welcome to Wrexham (yes, we are late that they've been out a while). Since I am still adjusting from a trip to Denver (and not adjusting to mountain time there), I skipped TV and was in bed around 8:30pm to read a few pages of my book before going to sleep.